Another blind alley: the ITF “sine wave” theory

I have indicated before that it is dangerous to be obsessed with “power generation” in your martial art; there is so much more, particularly if your approach is oriented towards civilian defence . You don’t want to get hit, for starters. To do that you need not only evasion but “blocking” (deflection) . You need a good foundation in terms of grounding and movement – in particular movement that serves as a platform for your evasion and deflection. Of course, you also need skills relating to grappling – whether stand-up or on the ground. Even when you want to focus on hitting, it is important to remember that what people call “power generation” (ie. the ability to impart force) relies principally on the efficient transfer of momentum (as I’ve discussed in my article “ Hitting harder: physics made easy ”). The equation for momentum is simple: p = m x v If you want to hit harder, you have to move your mass faster. There are glosses on that (as I’ve detailed in my articles “ Kime: ...