Can karate become taiji?

My friend Frank "Magpie" posed this question on the Traditional Fighting Arts Forum : "What i want to ask all you guys that do internal arts is this. Lets say I practiced shotokan kata like Kanku Dai, Jion, Heian etc. etc. just as slow as a tai chi practicioner practices tai chi, let's say that I breathe in for blocks and out for strikes, all movement is slomo, there is no kime or any sort of tension the whole body is relaxed. Would this have the same health benefits to the body as tai chi does? If not why not?" Well, that's a fascinating question. It reminds me of this video on Youtube of a karate kata in relation to which a viewer commented: "It looks like taichi". I answered: "No it doesn't." USA Goju "Mawashi uke kata" done "slowly" - but it is nothing like taijiquan! So you can guess that my short answer to Magpie's question is: No - karate done slowly is not like taijiquan. The reason comes down to desig...