Taisabaki and tenshin - evasion in karate: Part 2

Further to Part 1 of this article... I discuss how tenshin/taisabaki has been used as the foundation of our "embu" or 2-person forms in the article "Muidokan embu: 2 person forms for karate" . That tenshin is a vital, yet largely forgotten, skill is something that I highlighted in Part 1 of this article. Yet recently the value of tenshin (and accordingly our embu) has been debated on an online forum (in relation to our gekisai embu in particular). The argument is a considered and sophisticated one, but not one that is without answer. I will address it here because it is worthy of being dealt with comprehensively. The correspondent (whose opinion I respect greatly) offered this viewpoint: "Also, as far as taisabaki in the drill, this is where I think my training differs a bit from your approach, we do not spend much time doing any kind of circling movement as evasion, we practice the "getting small" and blending you see in many movements in Goju kata...